"Hard-Rock" geology research efforts at USF follow a number
of tracks:
- The geochemistry
of modern subduction zones, with an emphasis on igneous and metasomatic
processes occurring
in the forearc and back-arc.
- The role of subduction
in global-scale chemical cycles, focusing on the assessment of possible
"subduction signatures" in the compositions of ocean ridge and intraplate
volcanic rocks.
- The petrogenesis
of ultramafic rocks in subduction and collisional settings.
- "Light element"
geochemistry (Li, Be, and B abundance and isotopic applications.)
- The petrology
of folded mountain belts
Petrologic and trace-element geochemical studies of
meteorites and meteor impact sites.
All of the above may be considered broadly as "the
application of chemistry to solving geologic problems", which is
what we do, fundamentally.
The research projects above are largely supported by
NSF and the Ocean Drilling Program.
Students are afforded considerable independence in
defining the research questions they address, and opportunities
are provided for students to visit and work in other geochemical
research labs at FL universities, as well as at labs in Washington,
DC, and other sites. All students get the opportunity to present
their work at national and international professional venues (American
Geophysical Union, Geological Society of America, the Goldschmidt
Conference, the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference).