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Plant Science
- Phytochemistry/Secondary Plant Compounds.
Our research is currently focused on the distribution, regulation,
and metabolism of important compounds in the Araceae. This focus
is the result of the increasing interest in this fascinating and
divers plant family
Philodendron paradisi (grapefruit) tissue culture is being
studied. Earlier work has shown that levels decrease during callus
initiation and that production is stimulated and the levels of
these compounds increase through organogenesis and plant
regeneration. Currently we are investigating the influence of
various phytohormones on (grapefruit) callus growth and the
production of limonin and naringin. The effect of explant origin
(e.g. leaf, stem, cotyledon, root), cell growth, and other culture
conditions on secondary metabolite production are also being
The major reaction product of the glucosyl transferase
(isolated from grapefruit seedlings), using naringenin as
substrate, is a compound known as prunin (naringenin-7-0-
glucoside). To date, there are no reports of prunin and/or
naringenin occurring in grapefruit. This may be due, in part, to
the detection limits of existing methodologies for the measurement
and detection of these compounds. Therefore, we are also
developing immunoassays for these two compounds which will be used
to screen grapefruit tissues for the presence of these
Recent publications:
McIntosh, C.A., L. Latchinian, and R.L.
Mansell. 1990. Flavanone-specific 0-7-
glucosyltransferase activity in Citrus
paradisi seedlings: purification and
characterization. Arch. Biochem. Biophys: in